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2009-05-27 11:01:03|  分类: 程序设计语言 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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再看以不同的方式解析同一个数据,这个更像一个hacer级的应用,而不是它正常的应用。对于union的使用,有如下限制:读取的类型必须是最近一次存入的类型,否则结果取决于实现。很明显,不同的方式解析同一个数据意味着违反了这个限制,将其带入了implementation-defined 的境地。而大小端的测试本身就是利用了这种不同端选择下的不同行为,来区分端的选择。实际上这体现了一个道理,就算是implementation-defined 行为,也有可取之处,起码可以被拿来区分不同的implementation。

// PLL control register bit definitions:
struct PLLCR_BITS {      // bits  description
   Uint16 DIV:4;         // 3:0   Set clock ratio for the PLL
   Uint16 rsvd1:12;      // 15:4  reserved

union PLLCR_REG {
   Uint16             all;
   struct PLLCR_BITS  bit;

PLLCR_REG pll_reg;
pll_reg.all = 0x000A;
pll_reg.bit.DIV = 0x0A;


struct Ctrl1Packet{
    double a;
struct Ctrl2Packet{
    float a;
struct Ctrl3Packet{
    char* s;
struct Packet{
    int type;
    typedef union CtrlPacket{
        Ctrl1Packet p1;
        Ctrl2Packet p2;
        Ctrl3Packet p3;
    CtrlPacket pack;

from C90 to C99 was to remove any restriction on accessing one member of a union when the last store was to a different one. The rationale was that the behaviour would then depend on the representations of the values. Since this point is often misunderstood, it might well be worth making it clear in the Standard.

[#5] One special guarantee is made in order to simplify the use of unions: if a union contains several structures that share a common initial sequence (see below), and if the union object currently contains one of these structures, it is permitted to inspect the common initial part of any of them anywhere that a declaration of the complete type of the union is visible. Two structures share a common initial sequence if corresponding members have compatible types (and, for bit-fields, the same widths) for a sequence of one or more initial members.

1.The implementation may put padding between structure members. This rule is necessary to ensure that the common initial sequence uses the same padding in both places, so that the corresponding members occupy the same location.
2.If we consider part of the second example in
   struct t1 { int m; };
    struct t2 { int m; };
    int f(struct t1 * p1, struct t2 * p2)
        if (p1->m < 0)
            p2->m = -p2->m;
        return p1->m;

the rule is necessary for an implementation to realize that p1 and p2 might refer the same location.


To address the wider point about visibility, change the first part of to read:

[#5] One special guarantee is made in order to simplify the use of unions: if several structure types share a common initial sequence (see below), then corresponding members are required to lie at the same offset from the start of the union. Therefore if a union contains two or more such structures, the common initial part may be inspected using any of them, no matter which one was used to store the value.

To address issues about "similar" types raised in point (2) above, change the second part

of #5 to read:
Two structures share a common initial sequence if corresponding members have matching types for a sequence of one or more initial members. Two types, in turn, are matching if they are:
         compatible types (and, for bit-fields, the same widths)
         signed and unsigned versions of the same integer type
         qualified or unqualified versions of matching types, or
         pointers to matching types.


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